
Top 5 Best LUT Packs 2022

Bounce Color

Our Best LUT Packs - A Decade of Color Grading

We are super proud with what we have created. We want to show our customers our most loved LUTs we built. We have been making LUTs for over 6 years now, so much development and skill has gone down into creating these colors and we want to make it accessible for everyone, beginner or professional to achieve such a high standard of color grading.

 We believe our LUTs stand above the rest, we are perfectionists in our industry and hate seeing faults. We always find room for improvement and do whatever we can to make our LUTs the best they can be.

The reason we know they work so well, is because we are filmmakers ourselves. We started creating LUTs because we needed them for our work. We began shooting Log profile many years ago using Sony cameras and found there was serious issues in grading Log footage. So once we created our own Log LUTs to help us fix this issue, we thought, wait! There must be other filmmakers around the world struggling with the exact same issue, so we decided to pass our LUTs on for a small fee to help us cover the time to produce more.

This developed into creating many different styles of colors, usable in many scenarios. Everyone who was buying our LUT packs were loving them! We were so surprised about the feedback we got from other filmmakers. We kept on doing what everyone loved and now here we are. 6 years of experience creating LUTs for filmmakers to help them achieve their goals without issues or endless time learning.

Animated Elements Bundle 6K & 4K

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Luxury Grey LUTs

These Luxury LUTs are designed to work complimentary to fashion and lifestyle in urban environments. Enhancing the sharp edges of light in your shots, Luxury Grey LUT pack gives a whole new look to Creative LUTs.

luxury fashion luts
luxury fashion luts

Luxury Grey LUTs

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luxury fashion luts
luxury grey fashion luts
luxury fashion luts men
luxury fashion luts lifestyle

Urban Dark LUTs

Our Urban Dark LUTs are our favourite LUT pack we have created. It has so many use cases in different scenarios. 

Inspired by cities. We created Urban Dark LUTs to compliment footage shot in and around urban landscapes. Featuring 10 well-crafted LUTs designed specifically to work well with skin tones and urban surroundings.

urban dark cinematic luts
urban dark cinematic luts

Urban Dark Cinematic LUTs

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urban dark luts
urban dark luts
urban dark luts car
london urban dark luts

Cinematic LUTs

Cinematic colors are the most desired colors. Getting those rich dark tones to make your footage look cinematic is a blessing. We crafted these Cinematic LUTs to help Filmmakers achieve cinematic colors that resemble colors you see in movies.

Cinematic Film LUTs
Cinematic Film LUTs

Cinematic Film LUTs

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boxing luts gym
boxing cinematic luts
man walking luts
bmx london luts cinematic

Nature LUTs

Nature is one of the most beautiful and peaceful environments on Earth. Everyone loves it,, well everyone should do! It's what we are. Nature is incredibly beautiful so why not compliment it with some beautiful colors? Some camera just don't do it justice. These were created to make nature look better to everyone, it's so important we all just relax in nature at times.

Inspired by nature. We created Nature LUTs to compliment the natural environments around us. Featuring 10 well crafted LUTs designed specifically to work well with skin tones and nature.

nature bali jungle luts
nature bali jungle luts

Nature LUTs

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nature luts trees bali
guitar nature luts
nature luts music
nature luts

Filmic Tone LUTs

Our iconic Filmic Tone LUTs are one of our most popular creations. They have been around for around 6 months now and we've had some great feedback on them.

With such a unique tone and difficult colors to get while color grading, customers have found these some of their favourite LUTs ever. We are super proud of thee ones and we would love for anyone to give them a go. You can get a free sample of these in our free sample pack.

Featuring 10 well crafted LUTs designed specifically to work well with skin tones, fashion, lifestyle and dark moody vibes.

filmic tone luts
filmic tone luts

Filmic Tone Creative LUTs

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filmic tone luts
filmic tone luts coffee shop
filmic tone luts coffee
filmic tone luts men

The Best LUTs Bundle

We gathered up all of our favourite and best LUTs and compiled them into a bundle. It's a common question by customers is they want a bundle with our special chosen LUTs that will cover all scenarios, here it is.

best lut bundle

Best LUTs Bundle - Natural & Creative LUTs

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Blackmagic Natural Enhanced LUT

Convert your high dynamic range Blackmagic RAW/PRORES footage to a natural clean look. Perfect for corporate, weddings, nature, fashion, sport, lifestyle etc. Maintain skin-tones while enhancing surrounding colors.

This LUT pack was crucial to create. We needed to make something that can be used in nearly all situations to color grade your Blackmagic footage and bring it back to a beautiful natural color. There are many LUTs out there designed for Blackmagic but we just weren't pleased with them. We then decided to design our own, so we can all use our Blackmagic cameras and have wonderful natural colors in our videos.

This LUT Pack works on all Blackmagic cameras such as:

bmpcc luts
bmpcc luts

Blackmagic Natural Enhanced LUT / BMDFilm Gen4 + Gen5 to Enhanced Rec709

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bmpcc luts women
bmpcc luts cats
bmpcc luts best lut
bmpcc luts

Natural Enhanced LUTs for Other Cameras:

sony slog2 slog 3
sony slog2 slog 3
colorful sony luts
sony luts for green grass
corporate lut pack
Specialised for Sony SLOG2 and SLOG 3. Download instantly worldwide. Best LUT rec 709.
slog2 luts swizerland
sony rec709

Sony Natural LUT Pack | SLog2 & SLog3 to Enhanced Rec709 LUTs

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canon clog to rec709 lut
canon clog to rec709 lut

Canon Natural CLog 1, 2 & 3 LUTs | Enhanced Rec709

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fujifilm flog luts xt4
fujifilm flog luts xt4

Fujifilm F-Log Natural Enhanced Rec709 LUT

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Drone LUTs

We've seen many creators use our Drone LUTs in crazy cool ways. Take a look at this and see what some people have done with them.

User Reviews & Content

Drones have become very popular in the world with DJI increasingly producing incredible drones like the Mavic Pro 2. Also racing drones have become such a craze, getting shots like never before. We noticed people were struggling to color grade their drone footage, endlessly seeing drone videos that had no color added to them.

We guessed that a lot of people who are not filmmakers buy drones too, so that's where LUTs come in. LUTs are soooooo helpful for beginners and people who are not filmmakers to have accessible colors to enhance their drone footage. Isn't it great that LUTs are compatible in nearly all editing software? Ultra handy for any drone enthusiast who wants to add tones to their drones!

drone luts
drone luts

Moody DJI Drone LUTs

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Additional favourites:

Introduction to LUTs

We want to introduce everyone to how easy and beneficial it is to use LUTs.

LUTs are used in many different scenarios from creative looks, color grading, calibrating monitors or even log conversion LUTs. They are universal compatible in most editing software as well as monitors which makes them ultra handy to transfer between all your devices.

Please see our Best LUTs Bundle to see our favourite creations over the years.

Want to learn what a LUT is?

Read more:


luxury fashion luts
luxury fashion luts

Luxury Grey LUTs

urban dark cinematic luts
urban dark cinematic luts

Urban Dark Cinematic LUTs

nature bali jungle luts
nature bali jungle luts

Nature LUTs

filmic tone luts
filmic tone luts

Filmic Tone Creative LUTs
